Thursday, September 27, 2007

Almost Finished!

Hello Everyone. Sorry it has been a few days but it has been so busy around here. But I still love you all and will keep putting information on the blog as soon as I can.

This is Marquette and this is her home. She is almost into her home. We have a team coming this weekend that will be working in her home all next week and she will be back into her home by the end of the week. Please pray for us and the team. We all are so excited to get this done. She lives in a fema trailer and her husband is sick. She has been very sick because of the formaldehyde that is leaking into the trailer. However when ever you talk to her she has a smile on her face and loves everybody. She just needs a little more sheet rock, painting and floors put down in 6 more rooms. The person on the floor with the T-bar on the foam is me. I was learning to put down a floor. They said it was easy but my knees hurt by the end of the day. But seeing Marquette smile when she saw the progress made it all worth it. I talked to her for over an hour and just listened to all the stories she had to tell about the city and everything that happened to her. After everything she has been through she is still smiling and praising God. The team coming is going to do all this. I will keep you updated on everything that is happening in her house next week.

Jess went home for a few days to visit her family and Mark of course. She was so excited! We are all happy for her and am excited about having a wedding here in the early next year. Everyone keep them in your prayers also. Well I have a lot to do so I will talk to you next time...soon.. Lots of Love...Dovie and Allen

Friday, September 21, 2007

Welcome New Long Time Volunteers!

Hello Every. I want to welcome two new full time volunteers. The one on the left is Kayla, and on the right is Suzanne. Kayla is here till December and Suzanne is here until March. We are very excited about them being here. They are very hard workers and have a heart for God with such a passion. The thing about these ladies is that they are in their early 2o's and they have given up their jobs, family and basically everything back home to come here for a few months to help rebuild homes for people. What they have done is not something anyone can do especially at their age. Mose young people are in college, enjoying friends but these 2 have decided to join us and change lives. It continually amazes me how God touches the hearts of young people to do the extraordinary. What they are accomplishing here is not something you can learn in school but first hand experience with helping people not only rebuild homes but help to bring hope to someone that feels like there is none. These ladies are wonderful and strong women of God an I am proud to serve with them. They are like the daughters I have never had. Please keep them in your prayers.

There is another young lady here her name is Jessica she is the other one in the pictures. Along side of her is Mark. Jessica has been here since January and she is very special to us. She has given up her home, family and friends also, but for a lot longer time. We have all told her that God was going to bless her beyond her exceptions. Little did we know how much. Mark was here during this summer for 3 months and they got to know each other. They became friends through the summer and did not expect anything. By the end of the summer they realized that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Neither came here to do anything but to serve and help people. Isn't that just like God to bring his people who should be together just when you least except it. They are so very close to us and we pray for God's blessing upon them. Everyone please keep them in your prayers. I will keep you updated on the details of the wedding and their beautiful like together.

We are all getting settled back into our routines and it is wonderful. I love talking to home owners who are rebuilding and if there is any way we can help, we do. We are a little slow right now because we don't have a lot of teams here . Volunteers are still needed more than ever. Please keep praying about coming and helping. You can make a difference in someones life.

Well until next time..lots of love from Dove and Allen

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gone but Never Forgotten!

Hello Everyone. I am truly sorry for not having anything on the blog this week. I am truly sad to announce that our wonderful and dear friends and family members, Monty and Susan have left us here and traveled back home. I myself am sad because it always hurts to say good by to family and friends. They will be missed greatly and all of the team will miss them. God has called Monty and Susan in a different direction. God hasn't given them the full details as of yet but it is pretty much on it's way.

They are being called home to take the disaster relief in a different direction. They have felt this calling for quite some time. They will be operating from home and building a ministry to respond as first responders to ANY and ALL disasters in the United States. They will be doing everything they are doing now but each time a disaster happens they will able to respond. Allen and I are very happy and excited for them an wish them much fulfillment. I know it will be exciting for them and a lot of work but if anyone can do it they can. We love them very much and will miss them. Keep them in your prayers as they venture out on this new adventure that God has planned for them.

We haven't gotten any teams this week so there are not any new pictures but, there will be shortly. It is still very exciting here to see God take the church to a new level. God is pouring out his spirit on the congregation everyday. God has given me some new responsibilities and I love them, so please pray for me to do all I can and more, to glorify God and to advance His kingdom.

Allen and I are rested from out trip home and are getting back into the swing of things. We have a team coming in next weekend and are very excited. We love having teams come and serve with us. We have 2 new people that have come and joined us till the end of the year and I will put their picture on the blog tomorrow.

We thank you for praying for us and continualy looking at the blog. Please pray for health, finances, and strength. We love you very much. Until next time... Lots of Love from Allen and Dovie.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

More Pictures!

Hello Everyone. I am sorry it has been a while but I have Internet now and can continue with the blog. Thank you for being patient and continuing to check the blog for information. Here is a few more pictures of the homes here and people still living in the trailers. It is still the same but little by little it will get better.

I wanted to say hello to all the volunteers that have came and helped in the rebuilding. We have not forgotten you and pray for you. I hope you have missed us and are planning a trip back soon. There will always be a place for you and work to do. I hope we made you feel at home and warmed your heart as part of our family. Again thank you.
Until tomorrow.. lots of love from Allen and Dovie