Thursday, August 2, 2007

Welcome California and Washington Team!

We have two teams this week one is a group of men from California with many skills and is doing a great job. The other team is from Washington and they are teenagers YEA! I love teenagers, I think I have said that before but I will say it again. Any way the team from CA is doing a great work on the church. It looks so beautiful with the new floor down in the side entrance. It was really in need of a floor and now it has one. The men work so hard everyday and even go back after dinner and work because they want to get things done. I pray God blesses them more than they can bear.
The teens are great too! They have been here one day and they are tearing it up. They went through the neighborhood today and pulled up weeds higher than the houses that they were pulling the weeds from. They fought bugs, wasps and other elements getting those weeds out but they did it and didn't complain once. It amazes me how teens will take a week out of their summer to come and help us. They have a lot of compassion which is wonderful to see.
The first picture is of Allen and our two nephews and their friend that are visiting with us. They saw the big cross at the warehouse that has been cleaned out and it reminded them of the cross that Jesus bared for us. I took a picture of them and now their parents can see them too.
The second picture is of the chapel this morning with the CA and WA group together. The third picture is of the CA men. They will be leaving Saturday and we will miss them.
Well it has been a long day and I will get more information on the blog for you so keep looking and planning on coming down. Until next time.. Lots of Love coming from..Allen and Dovie

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