Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Day of Growth

If you look closer at the picture below (you can click on the picture and it will get larger) you will see some stairs leading to a slab of concrete where a house use to be. It was swept away by the flood. There is still all kinds of rubble from other houses torn down behind it.

These other two pictures are of empty houses on empty streets.

Hi Everyone. Today was a day of growing. Things happened to make me think very deeply and to see that God does have everything in his hands. I have some missed communications and missed opportunities. But God is faithful and patient with us and helps us to learn and grow. I am learning and growing so much every day and I thank God for it. Sometimes growing can hurt but the end result is wonderful. I want to thank God for my husband Allen because he is a very wise man.

Anyway, we had lunch for a lot of volunteers some from SUM (School of Urban Missions) and the volunteers are from California. Also, we had Teen Challenge join us for lunch and fellowship. It is so uplifting to have so many people love and care about you and each other. They are giving of their time and we love them so much for doing it. It is such a pleasure serving them lunch for the day.

We had a wonderful dinner last night at our Pastor's house (Pastor Teresa). She gave us so much to think about, asking us to think outside the box and minister to people where they are not where we want them to be. Go to them and not wait for them to come to us. A lot of times we wait for the Lord to present the opportunity for us to minister to someone but if we really noticed our surroundings of where ever we are we would see all the missed opportunities. They are right there in front of us but we are so busy and caught up in every day things that we miss it. I have had a lot of thinking to do and I have been praying harder and longer. I pray for all of you that visit our blog that the Lord will bless and keep you always and that the pictures and words spoken on this site will minister to you.

Well I will have more tomorrow so until then may God be with you always. We love you.


Anonymous said...

Just the fact of missed opportunities is a lot to think about. I thank God for widening our eyes and allowing us to mature and see all that He has available to us. You're definately right that growing sometime hurts and can stretch us to new dimensions. I thank God for creating change, opening hearts, and helping us to adjust. Good message... : )

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great!!! This blessed me. Thank God for widening our eyes to opportunities and helping us to adjust to change. Maturing is changing, bless God!!!

Anonymous said...

I liked reading your comments. They're very real and very true. Many people get caught up in the feel good part of volunteering and ministering and stop there. They don't want to go too deep and meet people where they are truly at. I'm glad you are finding that early on and not just fixing houses. I'll be praying for you and support you when I can.